Lawyers The lawyers profiled on this site are independent of LawHawk. If you would like to enquire about their services, please contact them directly to determine whether they can help you on an agreed basis. Sort by:RecommendedPrice - low to highPrice - high to lowA - ZZ - APopularityFilter by:CategoryLaw Firms 5Lawyers 5Succeed Legal resetlocationWellington resetPractice AreasCompany and Commercial resetProperty resetTrusts & Estates resetPriceNZ$0.00 - NZ$20.00 5Showing 1 to 5 of 5Beth McCallStyle Number: SUCCEED005Specialises in property and private client matters, including residential and commercial property transactions, leasing and subdivisions, relationship property, trustees and estate and succession planningSold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistLloyd DaviesStyle Number: SUCCEED004Specialises in advising businesses and their owners on a range of commercial and property matters including acquisitions and disposals, leasing and subdivisions. He also advises individuals on wide range of personal property matters.Sold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistEddie JacksonStyle Number: SUCCEED003Advises privately owned businesses on a range of matters including sale and purchase transactions, business structuring and corporate governance. Eddie also advises on a range of not-for-profit, trust and personal property matters.Sold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistMatt HayStyle Number: SUCCEED001Specialises in advising businesses on structuring, governance, acquisitions and disposals, as well as a range of trust and personal property matters.Sold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistMell Clarke-CornorStyle Number: SUCCEED002Specialises in advising on residential and commercial property transactions, other property-related matters including leases and subdivisions, relationship property, trusts and estate and succession planning.Sold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistShowing 1 to 5 of 5wasnowsavefromtoapprox