Other Solutions

At our core, we are problem solvers and legal operations experts who enjoy nothing more than a customer giving us a new challenge to solve in a way that is much better than the current way of working, and that creates a lot of benefit for everyone involved.

As an example, when a Government agency explained how they have to generate up to 800 versions of a complex funding agreement once a year, and that sometimes the agreements were only getting sent out at Christmas time in relation to the following year, we came up with a solution. We automated the agreement for them in a way where they can generate hundreds of customised versions of the agreement almost at the push of a button, drawing on a spreadsheet database with all the required data, and with each version of the agreement being automatically saved in a specified folder using a designated name format. With our initial help, they are now able to mostly manage this themselves.

We have also recently worked with NZ Business Brokers to help establish their new systems in an easy and scalable way. Working closely with NZ Business Brokers' owners, we have automated their key documents and processes, such as market appraisals, listing agreements, and forms to gather information from the business sellers.

Working with our partner The SharePoint Agency LawHawk’s automation has been embedded into a new SharePoint site, which will manage each listing. The documents generated using LawHawk’s forms are saved into SharePoint. They can then be quickly sent for digital signing using our digital signing partner Secured Signing's digital signing system, directly out of SharePoint.

More information

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