Style Number: COM00012
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Key details
Number of variables: 766
Time to complete: Will vary depending on experience and the circumstances
Last updated: May 2016
Drafted by: LawHawk (though see acknowledgement and disclaimer below)
Other details
A consolidated template based on the New Zealand Government RFx templates for an ROI (Registration of Interest), RFP (Request for Proposals) and RFQ (Request for Quotes).
You can choose which document you wish to generate, and if you change your mind during the process, much of the information can still be used without re-entry.
As well as capturing the key details, much of the substantial guidance which the New Zealand Government has developed around good procurement practice has been incorporated into the questionnaire.
There is also additional checking built in to reduce risk of error, and help test the quality of the document. For example:
- there are checks to ensure that evaluation weightings add up to 100%
- You can test the clarity and effectiveness of your requirement by selecting from a range of methodologies.
Here you can see the standard terms for the RFP, ROI and RFQ.
Here you can see the differences between the LawHawk standard terms for the ROI, RFP and RFQ and the New Zealand Government versions.
Acknowledgement and Disclaimer
This document is adapted from the New Zealand Government RFx documents developed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment ("MBIE"), which are subject to New Zealand Crown copyright and are located here.
The original RFx documents were developed for use within the public sector and not for private sector use, but MBIE have given LawHawk permission to use and adapt the documents for private sector use.
- MBIE has not been involved in the preparation of this LawHawk version and does not endorse it.
- MBIE has no liability and bears no risk from use of the New Zealand Government RFx documents outside of their intended purpose, or use of this LawHawk version for any purpose, by any person.
By using this document, and accepting the LawHawk Terms and Conditions, you are also agreeing to the matters set out above.
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