Lawyers The lawyers profiled on this site are independent of LawHawk. If you would like to enquire about their services, please contact them directly to determine whether they can help you on an agreed basis. Sort by:RecommendedPrice - low to highPrice - high to lowA - ZZ - APopularityFilter by:CategoryBarristers 1Law Firms 2Lawyers 3MC Legal 1Parry Field 1locationChristchurch resetPractice AreasBank and Finance 1Company and Commercial 1Dispute Resolution resetImmigration resetInsurance 1Intellectual Property 1Media Law 1Other 1Privacy 1Property 1Trusts & Estates 2PriceNZ$0.00 - NZ$20.00 resetShowing 1 to 3 of 3Michelle ChenStyle Number: CHEN001Specialist Immigration LawyerSold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistRhonda Powell BarristerStyle Number: POWELL001Trust specialist barristerSold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistKris MorrisonStyle Number: PARRY001Corporate and Technology LawyerSold outQuickviewAdd to wishlistShowing 1 to 3 of 3wasnowsavefromtoapprox